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Escaping into My Books

I never know to say in these things. I guess that says something about me. I read a lot, write stories, and like books. I like a good debate. Nothing else is to say. :-)

Currently reading

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue
Mackenzi Lee, Christian Coulson

Nice Break

A Case of Possession - K.J. Charles

I needed a break from all the heavy fantasy I have been reading, and got in a romance mood. I read the first of these books a while ago and loved it, and always meant to get the second. Finally got to it.


It was a nice, fun read, and easy. I liked that we got some development in their relationship, and declarations of love....that I think fit with the characters. No big fuss made about it, but still significant.


The main plot point was also fun....if people being torn apart and eaten by giant rats that are controlled by the vengeful spirit of someone long dead is considered your idea of fun....lol. And it's mine. This plot and the book itself felt kind of like a baddie of the week episode of one of your favorite shows...like Teen Wolf or Buffy. And I guess that fits, because it is kind of like a bridge book. There to move along the romance between the two men, show more of  the world created and  entertain you. So mission accomplished.


My main complaint was that were did not get any of Stephen's POV. In the previous book, we got Stephen and Crane's POV and that helped kind of drag you into their romance. This book it was all Crane, and  I felt their declarations of love and  the conflict in their relationship would have been help by showing both POV...at least with the reader.


Overall..a nice break from. Might do a historical romance next.